William Lan


  • Data Structures SI Leader

Major: Software Engineering

Hometown: Greenwood, MS

What clubs or organizations are you a part of?
MSU Esports, Chinese Club, Shackouls Honors College

What do you enjoy most about being at MSU?
Everyone here is really nice. All the MSU staff work hard to help students succeed. 

What is the most important advice that you would give students?
Ask questions and seek help! If you don't understand the material, ask, ask, ask. It's much better to grasp the material for your career than to be embarrassed about not knowing it. Also, go to SI for extra help. 

Why should students go to SI?
SI Leaders are available to offer alternative perspectives on lecture topics. Feel free to ask us questions that you may not be comfortable asking in front of the entire class, or seek any assistance you need.