Jigar Bhatt


  • Intro to Electronic Circuits SI Leader

Major: Computer Engineering

Hometown: Collierville, TN 

What do you enjoy most about being at MSU?

The community I have been able to find and the friends, faculty, advisors, and others that have helped me grow and develop as not only an individual, but also as a student and a leader in my community.

What is the most important advice that you would give students? 

Come to class and make good use of the resources available to you!

Why should students go to SI? 

SI is a fantastic resource for any student who is struggling with class materials, needs extra practice, or is just looking for some additional review. No matter where you fall, SI is an open and welcome space where you can go to get some help with challenging concepts, and it's also a great way to meet fellow students of the class and make connections!

What are some of your hobbies/interests?

I love reading, making art, listening to music, and playing tennis in my free time!