Emma Kate Taylor


  • Calculus I SI Leader

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Hometown: Olive Branch, MS

What do you enjoy most about being at MSU?

I love the community that I found at MSU! They love and care for me and push me to be the best version of myself!!

What is the most important advice that you would give students?

Go to class and don’t be afraid to ask questions!! Professors and SI Leaders are here to help!! You won’t learn until you take action for your education!

Why should students go to SI?

SI is a great resource that not only prepares you for tests and teaches you the material, but gives you the opportunity to make new friends, develop communication and leadership skills, and teaches you to take responsibility for your education!

What are some of your hobbies/interests?

I love spending time with people, whether that be playing games or doing a bible study! I also love to do anything that’s active, such as a half marathon or spartan race!