Alex Pruett


  • Chemistry I SI Leader

Major: Microbiology

Hometown: Medina, TN

What do you enjoy most about being at MSU?
While offering all the resources of an SEC school, the people here at MSU are so welcoming and friendly that it feels like a home away from home. 

What is the most important advice that you would give students?
Starting strong is important. It helps to find your rhythm early and start out successful to make the latter end of the semester less stressful. 

Why should students go to SI?
It can only help. If you don't understand a concept, then maybe your SI Leader can explain it in a way that connects with you better. If you already understand a concept, you'll be getting extra practice. Either way you'll be improving, which will help you out in the long run. 

What are some of your hobbies/interests?

I love reading, swimming, thrifting, and hiking!